Dr. Vielka Paniagua - Prosthdontist in Costa Rica
Dr. Vielka Paniagua is a Prosthdontist in Costa Rica with 11+ years of operative dentistry experience. Below is more information about her qualifications and experience.
- 11 years of experience as a dentist doing operative dentistry.
- Highly professional and dynamic with extensive knowledge of dental care and treatments.
- Extensive knowledge of replacing teeth with bridges, crowns, and cosmetic dentistry.
- Featured areas: Endodontics, Exodontics, Operative, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Simple and complex surgeries, and Orthodontics.
Educational Background
- Degree in Dentistry, ULACIT. 2009.
- Dental Surgeon, ULACIT. 2009.
- Incorporated to the Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica (Association of Dental Surgeons of Costa Rica), under No. 418310.
Seminars and Courses
- Participation in oral health fairs, 2006-2009.
- Technological Literacy Course I, ULACIT, 2007.
- Higher Course in Humanistic Studies, ULACIT, 2009.
- Endodontic induction course, Universidad Latina Costa Rica, 2015.
- Edecán at the XXIII Dental Scientific Congress (ACCO), 2008.
- Resin Utilization Course 3M, 2013.
- Implantology Course, cadaver course, zimmer institute (New Yersey), 2014.
- Radiation protection course taught by the Ministry of Health, 2017.