Excess breast tissue making you conscious? Affordable Gynecomastia Correction in Seoul, Korea, can help you regain confidence!

Cost of Gynecomastia Correction in Seoul, Korea

The cost of male breast reduction in Korea is approximately US $4,330. The price includes the surgery charges, hospitalization, and more.

Read the complete package guide at Breast Augmentation in Seoul.


Did you know?

According to research, more males (39.1%) than females (28.8%)[1] without any prior history of plastic surgery wish to go for this surgery.

Struggling with gynecomastia? Get your estimate today!

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How Do I Know if I Have Gynecomastia?

If you have gynecomastia, you will notice the following signs:

  1. Enlarged breast tissue with pain or sensitivity
  2. Texture of the breast is firm, rubbery, or has lumps
  3. Shape is round and proportionate, often resembling females’
  4. Weight Loss does not change the size, rather makes it look more prominent

Korean Innovation Redefining the Future of Gynecomastia

A group of Korean Scientists have developed advanced technology called automatic Jackson Pratt (JP) drains.

This technology is 93.8%[2] more efficient in preventing blood clots after surgery than traditional methods.

Regain your confidence today!

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Beyond Gynecomastia: Other Causes for Breast Enlargement in Men

What you have may not be gynecomastia! Have a look at these possible causes:

  • No well-defined shape
  • Lacks sensitivity and pain
  • Feels like fat found elsewhere
  • Weight loss reduces the size
  • Not benign, generally hard
  • Irregularly shaped
  • Sometimes tender
  • Adherent to the underlying layers
  • Only 1%[3] of gyno cases in men are cancer
  • Causes swelling and redness (inflammation)
  • May indicate an infection
  • May feel warm and sensitive to touch
  • Sometimes combined with fever and chills
  • Fatty and doughy tumor
  • Situated just below the skin
  • Harmless and move at finger’s pressure
  • Remove if it is painful, uncomfortable, or grows

Know your diagnosis!

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Did you know?

2/3rd of men [4] are emotionally impacted because of gynecomastia, instead of being affected physically. The surgery not only helps them fix the look of their breast but also helps them gain confidence and improves their quality of life.

Caring After Gynecomastia Surgery!

Ensure a smoother recovery with essential post-gynecomastia surgery care tips!

Prioritize sleep
Wear compression garment
Maintain the area clean
Hydrate yourself
Eat a nutritious and balanced diet
Exercise with caution

Enlarged breast tissue? Our surgeons can help!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can my gynecomastia be cured without surgery?

In some cases of gyno during childhood or puberty, the condition resolves as hormone levels naturally balance over time. Corrective options are available if the condition persists or affects quality of life.

What kind of surgery is the best for gynecomastia?

You have two options for gynecomastia correction: liposuction and mastectomy. Both surgeries help you achieve a flatter, more contoured chest.

Talk to our advisors to know the right approach for you!

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Gynecomastia affects men physically and emotionally. Beyond improving appearance and self-image, gyno surgery helps regain normalcy.

Visit how to reach Seoul to learn more about reaching Seoul for your treatment.