Preliminary Mesenchymal stem cells treatment reports on Covid-19 patients has shown promising results. Medical Tourism Corporation is helping facilitate this treatment in Mexico in COFEPRIS (Mexican FDA) approved facility.

With the positive results in stem cell treatment on 7 patients with COVID-19 in the following

Study on Stem Cells Treating 7 Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia
Patient Condition Treatment Result
  • One Critically ill patient
  • Four Severely affected
  • Two mildly affected
  • Three in placebo-controlled group (severely affected)
  • Mesenchymal stem cell transplantation.
  • Inflammation assessed within 14 days after transplantation
  • A placebo-controlled group maintained with similar settings
  • Virtually all symptoms subsided by 2-4 days after receiving MSC infusion[1]
  • No apparent adverse effects.
  • Chest pneumonia infiltration subsided.
  • Extraordinary  improvement in an elderly patient with critical condition post-infection

Other studies that strengthen the stem cell approach for COVID-19:

Patient Pre-treatment Treatment Post-treatment
1. Case Study on a female patient Acute COVID19 syndrome 21 days of treatment with umbilical cord MSCs 1. Laboratory tests and CT images provided extremely effective results[2]
2. Case report on a 65-year-old female COVID-19 induced acute pneumonia with abnormal neutrophils and diminished lymphocytes Cord MSCs + α1 thymosin 5 × 107 cells, each three times
  1. Improved Vitals
  2. Neutrophils decreased to normal levels
  3. Lymphocytes increased to normal levels.
  4. Pneumonia relieved
  5. Discharged from ICU 2 days after the third injection[3]

Some ongoing and planned studies for Mesenchymal stem cells on COVID-19:

Phase Patient Characteristics Treatment Country
Ongoing Pneumonia Patients Infected With COVID-19 I.V. transfusion one round (3 times) of 3.0*10E7 cells of MSCs[4] Beijing, China
Planned COVID-19 patients with lung inflammation Umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs) Miami, USA
Planned Coronavirus Induced Severe Pneumonia Dental Pulp Mesenchymal Stem Cells[5] Shanghai, China

MTC-Partner -Dr Anand Shrivastava, chairman and co-founder of Global Institute Of Stem cell Therapy And Research (GIOSTAR), explains how mesenchymal cells can treat Coronavirus affected patients.

Check out this video for more.

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Promising Results of Stem Cells against COVID-19

Stem Cells

Stem cells are a broader term for different kind of cells present in the body. These have the ability to divide and differentiate into specialized cells like brain cells, blood cells, heart muscle cells or bone cells.

Stem cells are now being widely tested as a part of regenerative medicine. These have already been approved for the treatment of cancers of the blood and bone marrow. Many more diseases are being treated using stem cell therapy in Mexico which still need approval in the USA.

Apart from this, latest researches confirm that stem cells can be a potential treatment for are COVID-19 positive patient and have an underlying condition.

What are Mesenchymal Stem Cells?

Mesenchymal cells are a kind of adult stem cells. These are capable of forming our skeletal tissues, such as cartilage, bone, and fat.

These cells can be found in the bone marrow, fat tissues, fallopian tube, peripheral blood cells, and in the umbilical cord cells and can be easily extracted from these sites.

How Can Mesenchymal Cells Treat Coronavirus Infected Patients?

The mesenchymal cells are known to boost human immunity.

With the 7-patient study, researchers are able to solidify the following inference:

  • Mesenchymal cells are safe for critically-ill COVID-19 patients[7]
  • Alleviation of pneumonia-like symptoms associated with the virus
  • Down-regulation (“blocking”) of proinflammatory (bad) cytokines within 3-6 days
  • A dramatic increase in the expression of anti-inflammatory (good) cytokines

No, mesenchymal cells do not pose any threat to the host's body when transferred from a different donor. It owes to the immuno-suppressive properties of these cells[8] which does not initiate an antibody response in the host's body.

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What is Novel Coronavirus- COVID-19?

Coronavirus structure-Mesenchymal stem cells for coronavirus

Coronavirus structure (Picture Courtesy: Journal of Medical Virology)

COVID-19 is a new strain of the virus that belongs to the coronavirus family. The symptoms of COVID-19 infection are as follows:

  • Dry Cough
  • High Fever
  • Sore Throat
  • Headache
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Low oxygen saturation
  • COVID19 induced  pneumonia

How Does COVID-19 Virus Cause Death in Humans?

COVID-19, officially known as Sars-CoV-2 does not cause the death of any person. The death is, however, caused by the body's own immune response against this virus.

The following procedure will shed some light on the mechanism.

Once this virus enters the human body, the natural defence system of the body triggers an immune response.

This further releases certain chemicals called cytokines and chemokines in the body.

Due to these chemicals, lungs are inflamed and these experience an excessive fluid build-up.[10]

This fluid also houses T-cells which are potent natural killers. These TNKs, however, attack the body's own cells along with killing the pathogens.

The significant symptom of Coronavirus infection-a dry cough is initiated. In this way, the lungs are trying to evacuate the mucous out of the body.

This cough is a potential carrier of the COVID-19 virus and proper social distancing and other precautions should be taken to stop the spread.

Meanwhile, the TNKs are attacking the healthy cells of the body. Slowly and gradually, the lungs become dis-functional and are unable to exchange oxygen with the blood, causing oxygen stress.

The continuous lack of oxygen causes the death of the infected patient.

Who Is at Higher Mortal Risk With Coronavirus and Why?

It is observed that the mortality rate of old people, as well as patients with severe underlying conditions like Type-2 diabetes or chronic lung disease, is high due to coronavirus-related symptoms.

Why Choose Mesenchymal Cells for Coronavirus in Mexico?

There are many other reasons why Mexico is the best place for receiving mesenchymal stem cell treatment for COVID-19 infection.

Using stem cell to treat different diseases is a legalised procedure in Mexico. Also, the Mexican government is very flexible in using novel scientific research like Mesenchymal cells in COVID-19 patients.

This is, however, not true for the USA as stem cell technology is not approved by the US-FDA.

Our partner clinic has scientists working on stem cell technology for more than 12 years. They are licensed physicians and are authorized to treat patients using human cells.

Our partner clinic has already applied for IND approval by the US-FDA for stem cells in Type-2-Diabetes patients.[12]

Our partner clinic has branches in Los Algodones and Playa del Carman- Cancun Riviera. Both of these locations are near the US Border and one can easily cross the US-Mexico border.

Note: The border is open for travel related to essential services, including medical reasons.

Why Choose MTC for Treatment of COVID-19 Infection?

MTC has been aiding medical and dental tourism to clients from all over the world. There are many reasons why you should choose us for your treatment with Stem Cells for Coronavirus in Mexico:

  • We are in the industry for more than 14 years now. Our clients speak the best about our services. Check our past patient testimonials.
  • We collaborate only with licensed and authorized physicians. Contact our case managers for more information on license and certifications of our partner doctors.
  • We provide the best bargain in the industry. We negotiate the best prices in the industry that suit your budget.
  • Tourism activities can be arranged
  • Free-shuttle service
  • Aid with accommodation

Preventing the Spread of Coronavirus

Corona Virus Infographic

Stem Cells for Other Diseases

Our partner clinic has been treating patients suffering from different diseases with stem cells in their Mexico based centres. Some of these diseases are mentioned below:

Get stem cells in Mexico!

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